The Mercedes is tuned with different wheel in on the compressor and revs a bit more than standard. Also if I should beleive a post from the owner the catalysts are gone and other filters. Had been dynoed to 560 HP according to one earlier post, but that should be taken with a grain of salt. So different compressor internals "so the compressor works a bit harder" and ECU that is. "When the speedometerneedle is in hte bottom at 330 km/h it is still accelerating . Have witnessed acceleration still at 310 km/h via a Garmin GPS." The BMW M6 is standard. The BMW M6 has S6 shift program on, EDC damping is set to hardest, P500 Sport is activated and DSC (stability control) is off. The race takes place in a closed area not open for the public.
Gabri ke dici, le starà tanto avanti??? In fondo questa mappata ne aveva già 560cv mi pare e le ha prese.....