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M POWER NEWS from Autobild

Discussione in 'Forum generale BMW' iniziata da Gabri343, 23 Aprile 2004.

  1. Gabri343

    Gabri343 Amministratore Delegato BMW

    2 Giugno 2003
    Quotes from autobild.de
    The schedule for the new m-models looks in such a way: • At the end of of 2004: new M5 • In the middle of 2005: M6-Coupé • At the end of of 2006: new M3 • At the end of of 2007: M1. Touring it will this time not give a M5 for lack of demand from America probably. With the M1 the notchback Coupé enjoys highest priority - likewise regarding the so important US market.

    Where do M4 and M2 remain? It will not give it, because BMW settled the nomenclature and decided nevertheless now against a further splitting up of the series. The topic 2er and 4er row is thus from the table. That receives the M3 to us and gives to us a successor for however completely differently the constituted frontcentral engine-M1 on basis of the new 1er-Reihe.

    The red thread, which connects M1, M3 and M5/M6, is motorizing. The rough progressive rate plans three high speed concepts: • 5,0-Liter-V10, 500 HP (M5) • 4,0-Liter-V8, 400 HP (M3) • 3,0-Litersix cylinderReihenmotor, 300 HP (M1). It will give the M3 again as Coupé and Cabriolet. The second karosserievariante of the M1 is still violently discussed - we tap on a three-door steep tail. Conceivablly naturally also a Z4M is roadster as puristic alternative to the open M3.The CSL strategy offers two options: Either lightweight construction becomes the integrating component of all future m-models, or additionally a Topmodell with more achievement is after-pushed and fewer weights. Here the M6 CSL could make the beginning, because in this segment the considerable additional price is more easily interspersable than with the M3 or with the M1.

    For the M6 CSL 5.5 litres capacity and 550 HP are expected, the appropriate numbers for the M3 CSL read 4.4 litres and 440 HP. While AUDI with its R-S models and Mercedes Benz with the Highendturbovariants of AMG produce openly ever more achievement, and does not want BMW can against it-hold not unlimited. The development executive committee Burkhard Goeschel pleads therefore for a strategy of the reason: "1000 Kilos are more intelligent in the case of doubt than 1000 HP."

    Ulrich Bruhnke would be allowed to do this argumentation trusts to be - finally lightweight construction for it was already with AMG a topic. But the SLR is with 1770 Kilos themselves for a supersports car too heavily, and the smaller P8-Mittelmotor-Coupé still is in the child shoes. Who knows, perhaps the true successor of the legendary McLaren F1 at the end develops nevertheless not from the alliance between Stuttgart and Woking, but in the Teamwork of BMW with Williams...






  2. icenera

    icenera Direttore Corse

    3 Novembre 2003
    l'M1 davanti è molto molto bella, ma il dietro non mi convince molto..

    Ma che poi non si doveva chiamare M2 perchè è coupè e quindi facente parte della 2er e perchè la sigla M1 non la volevano più utilizzare????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. angelo_crash2k

    angelo_crash2k Presidente Onorario BMW

    18 Luglio 2003
    BMW 330XD (e46)
    credo che il posteriore sarà modificato xchè senza i 4 scarichi non sarebbe una vera M!! :mrgreen:
  4. RossoCorsa


    14 Novembre 2002
    BMW 330Ci + (ex) X6 40d
    Però... in versione M la 6er un pensierino celo farei... :-k

  5. angelo_crash2k

    angelo_crash2k Presidente Onorario BMW

    18 Luglio 2003
    BMW 330XD (e46)
    non oso immaginare il prezzo però! ne costa 80.000 in versione 645Ci...

    la M6 non so ipotizzarne il valore!

    qualcuno lo sa?!
  6. ///M3

    ///M3 Presidente Onorario BMW

    9 Aprile 2004
    E46 coupe & E36 vert
    A rigor della nuova denominazione sportive=n°pari , berline=n°dispari ha ragione icenera, cioè la coupè della serie 1, ovvero la serie 2 avrà come modello sportivo la M2.

    Cmq qualcuno sa se si farà davvero la nuova M3 (cioè il modello sportivo della nuova serie 3 berlina)? :question:
  7. teo 121121

    teo 121121 Amministratore Delegato BMW

    20 Aprile 2004
    535d Touring
    Io ho letto che la serie3 sarà solo berlina e touring, la coupè e cabrio si chiameranno serie4. Quindi M4.

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