[NEW 3er]Ecco la descrizione completa su chi l'ha già vista | BMWpassion forum e blog

[NEW 3er]Ecco la descrizione completa su chi l'ha già vista

Discussione in 'Forum generale BMW' iniziata da El Nino, 27 Novembre 2003.

  1. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    E' in inglese:

    By a stroke of luck, I was able to attend the Research Design Specialists
    vehicle evaluation survey/focus group (invitation only). The purpose was
    to help BMW evaluate future designs. From what I can tell, this is the
    same event that Emission's friend attended, and it was an opportunity I
    couldn't pass up, even if it meant giving up 2.5 hrs on a Friday night.
    The fact that it paid $150.00 also helped. This was an East coast focus

    Of course, no pictures were permitted. Security was tight for obvious
    reasons, and no cell phones, photographic equipment or 2-way pagers were
    permitted. They used metal detectors and thoroughly frisked you. Lift
    your pant legs, show us your watch, empty your pockets, etc. They meant
    business. Personal items were required to be placed in small envelopes
    which you could claim later. You may as well have been entering a high
    security prison.

    Enter the showroom...

    Inside are 6 cars:
    1. Audi A4 3.0
    2. BMW 330i
    3. Infiniti G35 Sedan
    4. Mercedes C class
    5. BMW E90 sedan prototype
    6. BMW E60 530i

    The exercise consisted of approximately 7 different subjective tests
    (rating exterior and interior qualities, based on looks, comfort, etc.) on
    a scale of 1-5, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best. Additionally there
    were 3 different pricing tests (how much would you want to pay type
    questions). You rated all the cars, sat in all of them, etc. It was
    BMW's way of determining who is their direct competition and what levels
    of quality they need to live up to.

    The E60 was there for 2 purposes, to judge the quality of the E90
    prototype (do you like it better or worse) and to determine what
    specifically you find objectionable about the E60 (for their early market
    research when it's due for a facelift).

    So let's cut to the chase. Let's talk about the E90 (and accepting fully
    it is a prototype and subject to change).

    Exterior design:

    First of all, none of the computer enhanced photos are accurate. I've
    been on the Fest for a while and seen them all. No match.

    Kidney grill is roughly the same size as the current 3er, however it now
    has the extra-wide top like the 6er. The headlights are a hybrid between
    the E46 sedan (post facelift), and the Z4. You have the same side profile
    as the Z4 on the headlights (it looks exactly like the Z4, including the
    bumper curves and criss-cross cut lines near the headlights from the front
    quarter view), but looking dead on, the turn signals wrap above and below
    the headlight (yes, that means eyebrows on top, and some on the bottom).
    The headlights look nothing like the X3 headlights which many of the
    computer enhancements have suggested. I did see angel eyes.

    The bumper looks very similar to the RX8. Envision the Mazda RX8 with a
    smaller center air dam, and 2 kidneys right above it and you have a good
    idea of what it looks like. The hood does not integrate with the kidneys
    (the hood line cuts right above the kidneys). Like the E60, the kidney
    grills have an unusual indentation that melds into the bumper a bit,
    creating the appearance of a ring surrounding the kidneys and the center
    air dam.

    The hood is closer to the E46 in size, but incorporates a touch of the E60
    where the hood cuts into the side panels slightly. It is not very severe,
    just a hint of the cut. I found it pleasant.

    The car has no side moldings, which basically makes it slab sided like the
    5. That said, they look more like the E46 than the E60, so they retain
    the raised upper portion that wraps around the car, and the lower portion
    is flat. The rocker panels look like the current E46 but a little bit
    flamed. Windows are roughly the same as the current E46, so evolutionary,
    not revolutionary. There is NO Zorro style cut on the side.

    It has NO Bangle butt period. In fact, the trunk does not even cut into
    the rear quarter panels at all. However the rear lights are evolutionary
    on the E60. They are smaller and less slanty, but retain the unusual
    shape of the rear lights. IMHO, they are the worst part of the car - they
    do not look like they belong at all.

    The interior is evolutionary on the E60. That means there are only 2
    primary gauges facing you. HVAC are controlled with dials. The stereo is
    different; it was not functional so I couldn't tell you much about the
    design. It looked pretty nice aesthetically.

    There was no I-Drive in the prototype. However, there was an area that
    looked like it was straight out of the Z4 where an I-Drive video pod could
    possibly exist. I suspect that means I-Drive/Navigation will be an
    optional center pod.

    The interior is very flat and looked like the Z4. It is not driver
    oriented. Ergonomically, the 6 speed manual felt unusually high and too
    far to the right. Anyway, the Z4-esque interior pretty much means BMW is
    officially doing away with the driver-oriented angling of the center
    console area. The "T" style design is in.

    Window switches have moved to the door. The buttons are tiny. My
    relatively average hands could easily hit 2 buttons at the same time.

    The car has a start button mounted on the right, and appeared to use the
    key system like in the E65.

    Steering wheel is cross between the E60 and E46. I thought it was pretty
    tasteful, and did not have any radical departures like you saw in the Z4.
    It was not multi-function in the prototype, but we were told it would be.

    They appear to be entertaining a 3.5L 290hp engine and a 3.0L 250hp
    engine, based on some of the survey questions (like what would you pay for
    a 250hp 330i, etc.) Sounds like they're upping the power to compete with
    the G35.

    The target price appears to be the same as the E46, give or take a little.
    As has been said before, the 3er is the bread and butter of BMW's line-up
    and they cannot price themselves out of it.

    Overall design evaluation:
    You can tell it's a 3 series. That's the good part. However, it seems
    like every BMW in the model line up is so dramatically different
    style-wise that the only thing that keeps the model lines consistent is
    the BMW logo. This is bad.

    Personally, I didn't like it. It is definitely a design you get used to.
    It is not a classic design that you immediately fall in love with. I
    suspect most people will get used to it relatively easily, and I think
    there is potential. However, it looks like they're trying too hard, and
    that makes me uncomfortable as a current BMW owner.

    Now here's the real disappointment:
    As enthusiasts, we are very protective of the BMW marque and how we feel
    the marque being represented by these new designs. Love or hate it, we
    are passionate about it. In my opinion, this makes us good survey
    candidates. We will argue about it until we are blue in the face, but we
    will do anything to protect what we feel is right for the brand.

    This is not the type of person they invited to the survey. The people in
    the survey group were of 3 minds:

    1. If it has the Roundel, I'm buying it. All 5s for all the BMWs, all 1s
    for the Audi.
    2. It looks ok. I'll give it a 4, and I'll probably buy another BMW.
    I don't really like the tail lights, but I will give that a 3 and we'll
    call it even.
    3.Show me the fastest way out of the survey so I can collect my $150.

    I'll leave it up to you to interpret what that means. The fact that I
    care seemed to be the opposite of what everyone else was doing though, and
    it was a bit upsetting that certain discontinuity in design was ignored.
    They specifically didn't want people active in Internet boards, and I
    suspect if they knew who I was, I wouldn't have been there.

    BMW needs to bring customers into the design process earlier. IMHO, these
    surveys may modestly affect the final product, but it seems like their
    minds are made up already on the overall exterior and interior
  2. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    non ho un cazzo di voglia di leggere quello che c'e' scritto, puoi fare un rapido riassunto plz...
  3. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    Diciamo che come linea è una E46 E60izzata (o viceversa), gli interni richiamano lo stile della Z4 e non c'è l'I-drive
    Come motori, si parla anche dei V8 per i modelli top -non //M-
    Aspettiamo con ansia! :chirolp_wkiss2:
  4. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    beh, io non con molta ansia, ho appena comprato una e46...
  5. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    He he he! :wink: Però la 3er Ci arriverà nel 2006, quindi puoi stare tranquillo! :D
  6. Blinker

    Blinker Amministratore Delegato BMW

    25 Settembre 2003
    Ne se sicuro?
    Questa sì che sarebbe una bella notizia!!! :D
    Un tempo si parlava già del debutto della nuova 3er berlina per la fine del 2004...
  7. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    Ya....la 3er E90 berlina arriva a fine 2004, la Coupè 1 anno e mezzo dopo! 8)
  8. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    Bozzetto dell'autore

    Ecco il bozzetto (su base E60) dell'E90....a grandi linee è così:
  9. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    speriamo non sia cosi'...
  10. icenera

    icenera Direttore Corse

    3 Novembre 2003
    oddio.... non è il mio stile...

    Cmq vi posso dire che ancora non mi piace moltssimo la serie 5...

    e questa ci assomiglia molto...

    La 7 è stupenda, perchè ammiraglia, imponente..

    La 5 doveva essere più snella, ma ugualmente imponente...

    La serie 3 secondo me deve essere quella più sportiva ...

    Se poi ci mettiamo che è n arrivo la seri 1 (economica) e la 6 (Supersportiva) abbiamo completato il quadro....

    Però questa non mi sembra sportiva...

    Speriamo bene :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. RyanMcBride

    RyanMcBride Primo Pilota

    19 Giugno 2003
    River, io invece spero sia proprio come quella della foto, cosi' mi riterro' fortunato di aver acquistato una delle ultime Bmw belle appena in tempo.
  12. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Non hai tutti i torti, ma essendo un appassionato di bmw fin da piccolo mi dispiacerebbe...
  13. RyanMcBride

    RyanMcBride Primo Pilota

    19 Giugno 2003
    dispiacerebbe un po' anche a me :roll:
  14. angelo_crash2k

    angelo_crash2k Presidente Onorario BMW

    18 Luglio 2003
    BMW 330XD (e46)
    purtroppo ragazzi dovremo rassegnarci secondo me...

    oramai la "linea Bangle" è quella e dubito che stravolga il suo pensiero per la nuova 3er. Muso massiccio e aggressivo, fiancate alte e codino...

    se sarà così, mi riterrò fortunato della mia E46 :wink: anche se sarà cmq una grande macchina come tutte le BMW!

  15. El Nino

    El Nino Presidente Onorario BMW

    23 Maggio 2003
    calma calma calma ragazzi! :P
    Quello è un bozzetto fatto in 1min! :P Appena fo tempo, ne faccio uno (migliore di quello).
    Immaginatevi la E46, con i fanali della Z4, fiancate più "pulite" e interni Z4 style.
    QUESTA sarà la futura 3er! :wink:

    Comunque sia BMW 4EVER! 8)
  16. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    Quoto e sottoscrivo!!!!!!!!!
  17. RyanMcBride

    RyanMcBride Primo Pilota

    19 Giugno 2003
    bel colore :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

  18. stefy69

    stefy69 Collaudatore

    24 Agosto 2003
    BMW X5 E70
    Ciao e buon anno a tutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dunque se la nuova serie 3 berlina esce a fine di quest'anno, la coupè 1 anno e mezzo dopo, la touring quando esce in mezzo a queste 2,
    cioè primavera - autunno 2005 ?
  19. RyanMcBride

    RyanMcBride Primo Pilota

    19 Giugno 2003
    ciao buon anno anche a te :wink:
    magari sbaglio, ma secondo me al massimo a fine anno la presentano (la berlina), ma di commercializzazione non ne ne parla prima del secondo trimestre 2005.
    La touring solitamente viene presentata dopo il coupe, o almeno mi pare di ricordare che abbiano fatto cosi' per la E36 e la E46, pero' non so ora che succedera' col macello che stanno facendo per via della serie 3 e della serie 4 :shock:
  20. RiverwindMDS

    RiverwindMDS Amministratore Delegato BMW

    11 Luglio 2003
    M3 E46 CABRIO
    Buon Anno a tutti!

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